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Change my Shadow PC or Drive Offer with a different Offer - FAQ


From your Account Page, you can change your Shadow PC Offer or Shadow Drive Offer.

Please look at the section that corresponds to your needs:

How to Switch to a Different Shadow PC Offer

⚠️ It is not possible to switch Offers from Shadow PC Gaming or Shadow PC Pro to Shadow PC Enterprise.

If you want to have a Shadow PC Enterprise Offer, please create a new account on the Shadow PC Enterprise platform.

⚠️ Please note that Shadow Boxes and Ghosts are not available for sale anymore.

You can change your Shadow PC subscription from the "Shadow PC" section of your Account Page by clicking “Edit” > “Change plan”.

You can see more information on each Offer by accessing the following FAQs:

⚠️ Please note that the following Offers are not available for sale anymore:

The old Shadow PC Pro offers mentioned below were activated before May 4, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after May 4, 2023. See details of the updated Offer here:

The old Boost offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023. See details of the updated Offer here:

The old Power offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023. See details of the updated Upgrade here:

If you possess one of these Offers, it will remain unchanged as long as you do not cancel your active subscription.

However, you can still switch from one of these Offers to another existing Offer.

Depending on the Offer that you want to switch with, your main and/or extra storage data can be lost in the process.

Additionally, you may not have the possibility to switch to a certain offer and switch immediately or without access fees.

Please refer to the Q&A below for more details on specific Offer changes.

How to Switch to a different Shadow Drive Offer

You can change your Shadow Drive subscription from the "Shadow Drive" section of your Account Page by clicking “Manage my subscription”.

Shadow Drive has two available Offers:

  • The Free Offer with 20 GB of storage.

  • The Premium Offer with 2TB of storage.

If you switch from the Free Offer to the Premium Offer, you will be immediately upgraded with the new Offer.

⚠️ Please note that it is not possible to switch directly from the Premium Offer to the Free Offer for the moment.

We recommend to backup your data then unsubscribe directly on your Account Page (Shadow Drive tab) by clicking “Manage my subscription” in order to go back to the Free subscription.


Note: Switching without additional fees means that you do not pay set-up fees and that you will pay a pro-rata instead of the full price when switching offers.

It is not possible to do the following changes without paying additional fees:

  • Switching from the former Shadow Standard Pro offer to the new Shadow Standard Pro offer.

  • Switching from the former Shadow Extended Pro offer to the new Shadow Extended Pro offer.

  • Switching from the former Shadow Advanced Pro offer to the new Shadow Advanced Pro offer.

  • Switching from the former Shadow Expert Pro offer to the new Shadow Expert Pro offer.

Note: The formers offers mentioned above were activated before May 4, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after May 4, 2023.

It is possible to switch to the other offers that are currently available for sale without paying additional fees.

⚠️ If you switch offers, the data in both your main and additional storage may only be kept if your new offer is available in the same data center as your current Shadow PC.

The table below displays in which situation the data is kept if you are able to switch Offers within the same datacenter.

When switching offers, if it is not currently possible to keep your Shadow PC on the same datacenter, a banner will appear to warn you if the switch will cause any data loss.

Therefore, we highly recommend that you transfer important files from your Shadow PC to your local PC before switching Offers if needed.

Below are listed the offers changes that allow you to keep your data:

Note: The old Shadow PC Pro offers mentioned below were activated before May 4, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after May 4, 2023.

The old Boost offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023.

The old Power offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023.

⚠️ If you switch offers, the data in both your main and additional storage may only be kept if your new offer is available in the same data center as your current Shadow PC.

In the situations described below, the data is only kept if you are able to switch Offers within the same datacenter.

When switching offers, if it is not currently possible to keep your Shadow PC on the same datacenter, a banner will appear to warn you if the switch will cause any data loss.

Therefore, we highly recommend that you transfer important files from your Shadow PC to your local PC before switching Offers if needed.

You will keep your extra storage data when switching offers unless you switch from one of the following offers:

  • Ultra

  • Infinite

Note: You will not have to pay setup fees when changing Offers from your Account Page.

It is not possible to change from the old Shadow PC Pro offers to the new Shadow PC Pro offers directly from your Account page.

⚠️ When an Offer switch is not possible (for example, switching from old Standard Pro to new Standard Pro), it means that you will have to unsubscribe to your current offer and then subscribe to the new offer on your account page.
In this case, please note that your data will be deleted. Therefore, we highly recommend that you transfer important files from your Shadow PC to your local PC before the end of your current subscription.

Moreover, please note that you will not receive a refund for the remaining time on your current subscription.

Note: The old Shadow PC Pro offers mentioned above were activated before May 4, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after May 4, 2023.

You can switch to any other offer that is currently for sale from your Account page..

Note: The old Shadow PC Pro offers mentioned below were activated before May 4, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after May 4, 2023.

The old Boost offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023.

The old Power offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023.

If you switch to the new Boost offer:

If you currently own the old Boost or Early Access Power offer, you will switch offers immediately.

If you currently own another offer, your offer will change at the end of your current subscription.

If you switch to the new Power offer:

If you currently own one of the following offers, you will switch offers immediately:

  • Old Shadow Boost

  • New Shadow Boost

  • Power Early Access

  • Old Power

  • Old & New Standard Pro

  • Old & New Extended Pro

If you currently own another offer, your offer will change at the end of your current subscription.

If you switch to the new Standard Pro offer:

If you currently own the old or new Boost offer, you will switch offers immediately.

If you currently own another offer, your offer will change at the end of your current subscription.

If you switch to the new Extended Pro offer:

If you currently own one of the following offers, you will switch offers immediately:

  • Old Shadow Boost

  • New Shadow Boost

  • Power Early Access

  • Old & New Power

  • Old & New Standard Pro

If you currently own another offer, your offer will change at the end of your current subscription.

If you switch to the new Advanced Pro offer:

If you currently own the old or new Expert Pro offer, you will switch offers at the end of your current subscription.

If you currently own another offer, your offer will change immediately.

If you switch to the new Expert Pro offer:

You will change offer immediately regardless of the offer you currently own.

You should be able to keep your entitlements when upgrading. If this is not the case, please contact Support.

You do not need to pay setup fees when switching Offers as long as it is possible to switch to your new Offer from your Account Page.

It is not possible to change your billing cycle for now. If you switch Offers before the renewal of your subscription, you will immediately pay a pro-rata in order to keep the same renewal date.

It is not possible to go back to the following Offers even if you possessed one of them before switching Offers:

Note: The old Shadow PC Pro offers mentioned below were activated before May 4, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after May 4, 2023.

The old Boost offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023.

The old Power offers mentioned below were activated before June 28, 2023 and have a different configuration than the offers activated after June 28, 2023.

If you can switch Offers from your Account Page and if you can switch Offers immediately, you will immediately pay a pro-rata, no access fees, according to your existing billing date.
Otherwise, you will be charged on your next billing date.

You don't lose your existing data if you upgrade from a free account to a premium account (you will keep the same account and drive space).

It is not possible to switch directly from the Premium Offer to the Free Offer for the moment. Consequently, your data will be lost if you go unsuscribe to the Premium Offer then subscribe to the Free Offer.

We recommend to backup your data before switching to the Free Offer.

For the moment, you have 2 invoices the month you subscribe to Shadow Drive (with prorata) and 1 invoice the next month with both subscriptions.

We are working on removing the prorata and having two separate bills every month for the 2 subscriptions.

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