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Transferring Files (Drag-and-Drop) between your local PC and your Shadow PC


Drag & Drop is our first real-time file transfer feature. It allows you to Drag and Drop your file(s) and folder(s) from your Local PC to your Shadow PC.

icons8-error-24.png File transfer from the local

One or several file(s) or folder(s), of any type and size, can be transferred in a single drag-and-drop operation.
Transfer speed will depend on your connection.

A progress bar will appear on your screen to track the status of your transfer.
All transfers will end up in your user folder's "Downloads" folder on your Shadow PC's "C:\" drive.

icons8-error-24.png It is not possible to drop your file(s) and folder(s) on the exact location of your cursor for now. They will automatically end up in the “Downloads” folder.

How to use the Drag-and-Drop feature?

  1. Select and click your file(s) and folder(s) on your Local PC.

  2. Drag them to your Shadow PC window and drop them.

  3. The transfer starts and a notification will appear at the top of your screen.

  4. Another notification will inform you of the transfer completion or failure.

  5. You can find the transferred file(s) and folder(s) in the "Downloads" folder of your user folder, located on the "C:\" drive of your Shadow PC.

Transfer files directly without Drag-and-Drop

On your local device, you can right-click your file or folder and select "Send to local computer" if you prefer to not use the drag-and-drop feature.

All transfers will end up in your user folder's "Downloads" folder on your Shadow PC's "C:\" drive.

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