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Getting Started with Shadow Drive

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Getting Started with Shadow Drive


Welcome to the Shadow Drive adventure!

We're glad you've decided—or may decide—to join our Cloud solution.

Follow the steps in this article for help setting up your Shadow Drive and tips once you’ve subscribed to one of our offers:

Step 1: Download Shadow Drive onto your device

Shadow is available on devices with Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS operating systems.

  1. Go to the Download page on our website.

  2. Click on "Download Shadow Drive for [your operating system]" on top of the website. You can also go to the “All Shadow Drive apps” section at the bottom of the page and click on the link next to your operating system.

  3. Follow the instructions on your screen.

Step 2: Install Shadow Drive onto your device

Follow the instructions depending on your operating system:

  1. Run the Shadow Drive .msi program you have just downloaded. It will open the Setup Wizard.

  2. Click on “Next


  3. Click on icons8-1st-20.pngNext” once again, or customize the following settings before clicking:

  • (Optional) Choose a different install directory: click on icons8-circled-a-20_b.png “Browse…” and then choose the local file directory of your choice.

  • (Optional) Install Shadow Drive shortcuts: click on icons8-circled-b-20_b.png “Shadow Drive (64-bit)” then click on one or several of the icons8-circled-c-20_b.png three options: ”Integration for Windows”, “Start Menu Shortcut” or “Desktop Shortcut”.


  • Click on “Install”, then wait while the Setup Wizard installs Shadow Drive.


  • Click on “Finish


  1. Run the ShadowDrive-MacOS.pkg program you have just downloaded. It will open the Client Installer.

  2. Click on “Continue

  3. Click on “Install”, then wait while the Client Installer installs Shadow Drive. mac_client_2_en.png

  4. Click on “Close”.

  5. Before the Install Client closes itself, you will have the choice to either icons8-1st-20.png keep or icons8-circled-2-20.png move the Client Installer to the Bin.


1. Choose one of the following methods:

  1. Right-click your AppImage to access properties.
    Go under the “Permissions” tab then check the “Allow executing file as program” box.

  2. Or open the terminal, navigate to the download folder where the AppImage is located (using the cd command) and type:

    chmod +x Downloads/ShadowDrive-Linux64.AppImage

  3. Run the AppImage.

Once you have downloaded the Shadow Drive application from the Google Play Store, simply click on “Open” or directly open it from your list of applications.

Step 3: Log in

1. Open your Shadow Drive client/application. It will open a new window on your browser. Click on “Log in


2. Enter your username and password in your web browser and click on “Grant access”.

Please keep in mind that you might not need to enter your username and password if you are already logged into your Shadow account.

If it's your first time logging in with this device, check your email and enter the authentication code.

If it's your first time logging in with this device, check your email and enter the authentication code.


Step 4: Synchronize your first folder

  1. Go back to your desktop client/application. Select the Use virtual files instead of downloading content immediately” option, then click on the Connect” button at the bottom right or choose a specific folder to synchronize with Shadow Drive before doing so:

    You can also let Shadow Drive create a first synchronized folder by default, and change it and/or add other synchronized folders directly from your desktop client/application later on.

    (Optional) Choose a specific folder to synchronize with Shadow: click icons8-circled-a-20_b.png below the icons8-folder.svg folder icon, and choose a local folder to synchronize. If your folder already includes files, you will have to choose between keeping them or deleting them.


  2. The client/application will attempt to connect to your Shadow Drive server, and when it is successful, the wizard will close itself.

  3. Your application/client should be launched automatically. Otherwise, you can open it from your list of applications.

  4. You can now click on the icons in the upper right corner and then on " Files ” to open the browser version of Shadow Drive. This version will give you an overview of all your synchronized folders and files.


  1. Go back to your desktop client/application. Select your preferred method to synchronize the content of your folder then click on the Connect ” button at the bottom right or choose a specific folder to synchronize with Shadow Drive before doing so:

    You can also let Shadow Drive create a first synchronized folder by default, and change it and/or add other synchronized folders directly from your desktop client/application later on.

    (Optional) Choose a specific folder to synchronize with Shadow: click icons8-circled-a-20_b.png below the icons8-folder.svg folder icon, and choose a local folder to synchronize. If your folder already includes files, you will have to choose between keeping them or deleting them.


  2. The client/application will attempt to connect to your Shadow Drive server, and when it is successful, the wizard will close itself.

  3. Your application/client should be launched automatically. Otherwise, you can open it from your list of applications.

  4. You can now click on the icons in the upper right corner and then on " Files ” to open the browser version of Shadow Drive. This version will give you an overview of all your synchronized folders and files.


There is no synchronized folder by default on the Android application.

If you refuse to let Shadow Drive access photos and media on your device when receiving the notification below, please note that you can change the access setting directly via your Android. To do so:

  1. Go into the Settings of your Android.

  2. Search for Shadow Drive, then go to the “Authorization” section.

  3. Check the “Storage” option

  1. Click the button in the upper left of your screen to reach the Menu

  2. Click Settings

  3. Click ”Auto upload


  4. Click on the button in the upper right of your screen then select "Setup a custom folder".

  5. On the pop-up window:

  • Click icons8-1st-20.png "Local folder" to select the file you want to synchronize from your device

  • Click icons8-circled-2-20.png “Remote folder” to choose the location of your synchronized file on Shadow Drive

  • (Optional) Select some additional settings icons8-circled-a-20_b.png such as enabling synchronization under certain specific conditions.

  • Finally, click icons8-circled-3-20.png “Save”.


Frequently Asked Questions

Authentication emails may take up to 10 minutes to appear in your inbox. Check your spam/junk folder for any emails from Shadow and avoid requesting multiple codes at once.

Shadow Drive is based on Nextcloud. For more information on this new version, you can have a look at the Nextcloud website.

The Windows 32-bit is available.

Still have questions after reading this article?

Check out our other articles or contact Shadow Support.