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League Of Legends FAQ


Riot Games has announced with update 14.9 that its Vanguard security software will be integrated into League of Legends, as part of their commitment to eradicating all attempts at cheating. As Vanguard is not compatible with virtual machines, League of Legends will no longer be playable on Shadow PC as soon as update 14.9 is rolled out worldwide, scheduled for May 1, 2024.

As of May 1, 2024 and League of Legends update 14.9 , publisher Riot Games is rolling out its Vanguard security software. This software blocks any virtual machine, such as Shadow PC, from attempting to access League of Legends.

Today, there's only one alternative to playing League of Legends without using Shadow PC: owning a local computer with the necessary configuration to run the game.

We are currently investigating possible solutions so that all #TeamShadow members can play the game.

As the problem does not stem from Shadow PC but from Riot Games' anti-cheating system, no commercial gesture or refund is planned.

At present, there is no alternative solution.

This has no implications for other Shadow PC games: you can continue to enjoy your games in exactly the same way. It is possible that in the future Vanguard will be extended to the entire Riot Games catalog, and thus impact all of their games.

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